Fall Fitness Challenge
"Raise the Bar"
...inside and outside of the gym. Eat cleaner, speak kinder, lift more weight…set your standards high and reach for them!

Saturday September 7, 2019 - Saturday October 19, 2019
Compete with other members to see who can drop their body fat % the most in 6 weeks!
1 lb Muscle gain = 2 points
1 lb Fat lose = 1 point
1 lb Muscle lose = -1 points
*Score are weighted based on starting body at %
IMBody Nutrishop Roseville
IN: Saturday, September 7th
OUT: Saturday October 19th
(see rules for date guidelines)
Nutrition Seminar Saturday, August 31st
(video recorded if you are unable to make it)
Where: At the gym
Time: 10am-11am
What: Coach Natalie will take us through an overview of the Zone Diet. Easy to follow, flexible, well-balanced eating plan. More details to come.
Every Monday morning a challenge will be written on the whiteboard. During that week, when you complete the challenge you will be entered to win a prize! Winners will be announced Live on Saturday mornings. 6 additional chances to become a winner!
✅BUY-IN: $45 (includes Challenge tank OR T-shirt)
🎉PRIZE: 1st Place $350 CASH 💰
(We will add a 2nd place prize with more than 20 participants)
1. Athlete must be a current Rock Fitness member to win.
2. Athlete must attend a minimum of 18 classes in the 6 week period.
3. Weigh-ins may not be done earlier than Friday 8/6/19.
4. Weigh-outs may not be done after Monday 10/21/19.