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  • Writer's pictureJamie Wuerthner

Kevin Dawson...Kinetic to the Core

by Natalie Moncrief

Kevin Dawson is a 40-year-old mortgage loan officer. He is married and the father of two little girls. He lives just around the corner from Rock Fitness!

Before joining Rock Fitness about a year ago, Kevin was an avid runner. He’d been a runner for about 12 years but didn’t have any weight training experience.

Working out at Rock Fitness has given Kevin more energy, increased strength and mobility, and a better understanding of how nutrition plays a part in overall health. He’s always had good endurance but not a lot of strength. The gains Kevin has seen over the last year have improved his ability to do things around the house, keep up with his kids, and just move around better in general. His nutrition has also improved. He’s a self-proclaimed junk food junkie, so being part of a community that values healthy lifestyle choices helps him make better food choices which, in turn, helps him progress toward his fitness goals.

One of Kevin’s favorite things about training at Rock Fitness is that the workouts are always different. He appreciates the ability to modify when needed but also to continually seek challenges that allow him to work through plateaus. One of the aspects of the Rock Fitness community that Kevin appreciates is the encouraging nature of the coaches and athletes. In fact, Kevin is the epitome of the phrase “No one finishes alone.” For example, once Kevin is done with his workout, he’ll jump back on (or to crawl) the rowing machine and continue to row until the last person is done…cheering everyone on in the process.

Kevin is most proud of his improved box jumps and pull-ups. Considering that he never really enjoyed weightlifting until becoming a member of Rock Fitness, he’s also very proud of his improved strength.

If you are interested in seeing if Rock Fitness is for you, Kevin says, “If you come in with the attitude like you want to make some change…you’ll do fine here. Come on down. You’ll like the family; you’ll like the feel.”

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