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  • Writer's pictureJamie Wuerthner

Justin Trammell...Pillar of Strength

By Natalie Moncrief

Justin Trammell is 44 years old and has been working out at Rock Fitness for just over one year. Justin has been lifting weights since his teenage years, primarily for athletic conditioning. He consistently worked out at traditional gyms throughout the years and then started dabbling in CrossFit about 6 years ago, bouncing around a few gyms before landing at Rock Fitness.

Rock Fitness has positively influenced Justin’s life in that he has regained some of the strength he had back in his 20s. Additionally, because he and his wife are both members at Rock Fitness, they have a commonality that allows them to share routines, work out together, enjoy friendly competition, and have something fun to talk about.

Justin enjoys being able to work out with his wife and appreciates the mutual motivation. The efficient programming that Rock Fitness provides allows him to get a full workout done in a short amount of time, with positive coaches who hold him accountable.

Justin has struggled with back issues since his 20s, stemming from sports-related injuries, and had difficulty finding his way back to the strength he had as a younger athlete. Working out at Rock Fitness has given him the opportunity to train with coaches and in a community that promotes proper technique and patience…making it possible for him to reach goals that he never thought he’d achieve again.

Justin is a pillar of strength at Rock Fitness. Not only is he one of our heavy lifters, but he is an amazing teammate. He’ll peel himself off the floor to cheer on his workout buddies until everyone is done. He’s always got a smile on his face and a kind word to say.

If you are stuck in a rut at your current gym, lack motivation, have a hard time creating your own workouts, or find it hard to get your workout done in a decent amount of time, Rock Fitness is a great place to solve all of those problems. The community is welcoming…“It’s not about intimidation. It’s about skill, and training, and technique, and positive reinforcement.” It’s a great place for couples, so if you’re looking to add another level to your relationship then Rock Fitness is the place!

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